Saturday, February 19, 2022


The bundle begins with The Mechanical Universe's "The Battery," since batteries often power the simple DC circuits we like in Physics.

Next it's the PhET-fueled "Batteries and Bulbs". Originally written as a hands-on lab activity, this version was redesigned for use in remote teaching/distance learning (RT;DL).

Conceptual Physics Alive's "Electric Circuits" is Paul Hewitt's take on the matter; The Mechanical Universe's "Electric Circuits" is David Goodstein's. Both are excellent.

Britain's Brainiac: Science Abuse serves up an engaging and offbeat take on electric circuits with humans acting as the resistors in "Electric Fence". Some will recognize host Richard Hammond from Top Gear, etc.

We return to the battery and update its story with David Pogue's PBS/NOVA episode, "Search for the Super Battery".

Then we have "Logic Gates," in which Boolean algebra is played out in circuit form as students design simple circuits with switches that will turn a bulb on under specific conditions. To prepare students for Boole and truth tables, a gentle pre-lab worksheet has them drawing up gate configurations that allow a cow access to a pasture under specific conditions.

Once students master the single pole single throw (STSP) switches of "Logic Gates," they might want to have a go at designing a three-way switch, which involves SPDT (single pole double throw) switches.

All resources are available separately. All are print-friendly Google Docs files on Google Drive. All include answer keys.

If the shorter High School Adaptations of The Mechanical Universe are more your style, then check out Set 6: Circuits and Magnetism.

If you didn't work Shock and Awe - Part 1: Spark into your electrostatics lessons, that episode still works well with electric circuits.

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