Thursday, November 28, 2024

Benjamin Franklin

As a frequent visitor to, I was seeing promotional material for the (then) upcoming Ken Burns' Leonardo Da Vinci documentary. While poking around, I discovered that he made a two-parter covering Benjamin Franklin. So I crafted a question set for that while waiting for the Da Vinci work to air.

Each episode runs about two hours, so this is a considerable piece of work. Each episode is divided into chapters; see product listings for complete details.

Leaving behind his Boston childhood, Benjamin Franklin reinvents himself in Philadelphia where he builds a printing empire and a new life with his wife, Deborah. Turning to science, Franklin's lightning rod and experiments in electricity earn him worldwide fame. After entering politics, he spends years in London trying to keep Britain and America together as his own family starts to come apart.

Benjamin Franklin leaves London and returns to wartime Philadelphia where he joins Congress and helps Thomas Jefferson craft the Declaration of Independence. In Paris, he wins French support for the American Revolution then negotiates a peace treaty with Britain. He spends his last years in the new United States, working on the Constitution and unsuccessfully promoting the abolition of slavery.

Both episodes, bundled and discounted.

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